It's been awhile and I apologise. I wanted to stick the 4-H calendar in here for January and February as well as update the 4-H community on news. I am busy, as I am sure most of you are, getting ready for the holidays but 4-H still goes on.
I had a great class of nine new leaders last night. I am always happy to see new leaders as they add spice to the mix. I hope they enjoyed the class. One suggestion came up. A FAQ list for new families or leaders. I need some help on this one. If you know of questions that are asked to yourself or your other families, please let me know. I will compile this question and answers for future use. The comment which brought this to light was "as a new leader or family, I didn't know the questions to ask". Good point and since I have been in the program so long, I forget that new families really are confused and have very simple questions, questions we all take for granted. So... if you can remember the questions you had as a new family or have been asked a number of the same questions, let me know.
There is a new 4-H group in the Gooby Rd area in Sandpoint. They are focusing on the goat projects. If you or anyone you know would like more information on this club, let me know and I will be sure to send you to Melanie, the Organizational Leader.
I am excited to say that the Bonner/Boundary 4-H Horse and Livestock leaders are hosting a Tack and Equipment swap in April at the Bonner County fairgrounds. The reason I'm excited about this event is that in this economy, which may get worse before it gets better for us, anytime we can reuse, recycle and make a little money, it's great. The sale will be in the Southwing of the Main Exhibit Building on Saturday, April 24, 2009. Anyone is welcome. We have not ironed out the logistics yet, such as times and fees, but it's on my Horse Leaders Council meeting agenda in January. Please mark your calendars and start a "I can get rid of this" pile that includes tack, livestock equipment, show clothes etc.
Many kudos to Adrianne Nelson, her family and all the Beaver Creek Kritters for their work on the Free Christmas. I am quite sure they helped a number of families. What a great feeling.
The Extension Office will be closed from December 24 to January 4, 2010. I will be checking my email so if you have to, contact me that way. Look for your 4-H Briefings newsletter shortly after the first of the year. You will find a printed copy of the 4-H calendar for the whole year. Make sure you pull it out and post it in your home.
Dec. 31-Jan.1 New Years Day, Extension Office Closed
9 New Leader Training, 9-12 noon, Extension Office, must pre-register
11 Horse Leaders Council meeting, 6 p.m., Extension Office
13 Market Animal Livestock Committee meeting, 7 p.m., Extension Office
18 Martin Luther King Day, Extension Office Closed
1 4-H Club Enrollment Deadline
1 Deadline for New Leader Applications
1 American Beekeepers Federation Essays due State 4-H Office
4, 11, 18, 25 Leader Training Workshops (tentative)
13-15 Know Your Government Conference, Boise
15 Presidents’ Day, Extension Office Close
19 4-H Ski Night, Schweitzer, Tickets available at Extension Office and Schweitzer Conoco
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