When the idea formed, we didn't know what kind of a response we would have. I only wanted to give sellers an avenue and buyers the same. Especially 4-H members, both horse and livestock. While the horse portion was a grand success, the livestock was slightly lacking. I think if we continue to hold this event, the livestock portion will grow. Set up began at 10 am on Friday morning.
The first vendor with her consignments came at 1 pm and it took numerous volunteers 2 hours to check her in. Thank goodness she came early. then the real fun began. From 4:00 to past 7:00 we were steady with people consigning their equipment.
When we were done on Friday night, I was not sure we could even fit any more in the room but they would still be coming on Saturday morning.
The 4-H members were able to shop from 8-9 am and pick out some bargains, then the doors opened for the public at 9 am. We were pretty busy all day and still ringing up items well past the 3 pm closure. But really, why would you turn away buyers! All said and done, I think it was a success and we may try to hold it again next year in hopefully a larger area.
Many thanks to all the volunteers,leaders, and members and especially the Boundary County crew, who without them we would have fallen flat!